Driver Info and Training Session
If you’d like to volunteer to drive for NDN, or would like more information, please join us at the Belgrade Center for All Seasons. If you can’t make this date and time, please contact us to arrange another date.

Driver Info and Training Session
If you’d like to volunteer to drive for NDN, or would like more information, please join us at the Belgrade Center for All Seasons. If you can’t make this date and time, please contact us to arrange another date.

Community Breakfast
Please join us for our annual Community Breakfast. Come by for a delicious breakfast buffet and to catch up with your neighbors!

Online Auction Fundraiser
Our annual online auction is back, and many a treasure can be found at https://new.biddingowl.com/NeighborsDrivingNeighbors after July 1!

NDN Annual Appeal
NDN is a volunteer-driven organization. And, while our volunteers are 100% just that—volunteering their time, vehicle and fuel—we also depend on private donations to cover our operating costs. The Annual Appeal letter is our most important fund-drive of the year and goes out in December by email and snail mail together with our Annual Report. We hope you will enjoy reading about what we have been up to and also consider making a donation to keep NDN on the road! Thank you!
NDN Community Breakfast and Fund-drive
Please join us for our Annual Community Breakfast and Fund-drive. Delicious breakfast at the Mount Vernon Community Center (the place to see and be seen in the greater Lakes area!). Breakfast is prepared by NDN volunteers and .you are encouraged to make a contribution to keep Neighbors Driving Neighbors on the road. This year we will also display some of the items we are auctioning off in our NDN Auction. Open to all!

NDN Annual Auction
The NDN Annual Auction on Biddingowl takes place over the month of July with the final bids made by Friday, July 28 at noon. Check our Facebook page for previews of the exciting things and experiences that will be up for bidding! And check back often during the month for all the fabulous items donated by NDN supporters. The link to our auction is https://www.biddingowl.com/Auction/home.cfm?auctionID=21971

Readfield Launch
Please join us to celebrate NDN’s expansion to include Readfield in our service area. Stop by to learn about NDN’s mission, how to become a volunteer driver or how to register as a rider.
Light refreshments will be served. We look forward to seeing you there!

Driver Appreciation Event
We are restarting our annual Driver Appreciation event at the Tappan-Viles House in Augusta! This event is dedicated to the NDN drivers who has helped their neighbors get to medical appointments, the grocery store, social events and other places they needed to be. By invitation only.

Readfield launch!
Neighbors Driving Neighbors is expanding its service area to Readfield! In close cooperation with the Readfield Age-Friendly Committee, we are happy to announce that we will be expanding transportation services to Readfield community members this spring! Date to be confirmed.

New driver orientation (alternative session)
Neighbors Driving Neighbors will be holding two Orientation/Training sessions for people interested in becoming volunteer drivers. Please RSVP by email to neighborsdrivingneighbors@gmail.com or by phone to 207-860-0677. If you are not able to make it to one of these sessions, please let us know and we will make sure to include you in subsequent training sessions. This is a great opportunity to meet people, provide assistance to those who need it, and in general to give back to your community. If you have questions in the meantime, feel free to ask using the contact information above. Location: Readfield Town Office, Small Conference Room.

Cabin Fever Reliever
The Mount Vernon Community Center is hosting a Cabin Fever Reliever event Saturday, February 18th, Noon-4 pm (Inclement weather date Sun. February 19, Noon-4 pm). Join us for a family friendly event with indoor and outdoor activities for people of all ages at the Mount Vernon Community Center. Delicious lunch options will be offered, along with hot chocolate. If you live in our service area and need a ride, call Neighbors Driving Neighbors! 207-860-0677. Hope to see you there! This event is open to the public and free.

Maranacook Senior Cafe
SENIOR CAFE at Maranacook Middle School begins Jan 31 and will be held on Tuesdays from 9-11 am. Tea, coffee and muffins will be provided. Bring crafts, games and friends! Hosted by middle school students. Share your knowledge and find out what they are learning. For more information, contact Dan Holman at dan_holman@maranacook.com or call him at 207-500-1737. If you live in our service area and need a ride, call Neighbors Driving Neighbors! 207-860-0677.